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Management of non-native aquatic species in Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) (RISKMAN)

Naziv projekta / Title Management of non-native aquatic species in Western Balkans (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro) (RISKMAN)
Referentni broj / Reference number 619384-EPP-1-2020-1-TR-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP
Godina projekta / Project year 2020
Trajanje u godinama / Duration in years 2
Područje / Scope Multi-country
Država koordinator / Coordinator Turkey
Države partneri / Partner states Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, FJRM, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Turkey
Tip projekta / Type Erasmus+ Joint Projects – Strengthening of relations between HEIs and the wider economic and social environment
Kratak pregled / Summary The main aim of RiskMan Project is to strengthen the Educational Capacity for Risk Management of Non Native Aquatic Species in the Western Balkan Region (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro) by promoting the education of stakeholders and higher education students and stimulate cooperation among the target countries.

To achieve this aim, the specific objectives of the project are to:

  • update the skills of higher education system about management of aquatic NN species in the partner Countries of Western Balkans in line with the international directives given by FAO, IUCN and the strategies of European Policy Cooperation.
  • support the Partner Countries to address the challenges facing their higher education institutions and systems concerning the management NN species, including risk assessment, stakeholders’ participation, planning and governance of aquaculture facilities and industries;
  • promote communication and awareness of stakeholders (students, workers in aquaculture and tourism sectors, and fishers) about the threat posed by NN species to biodiversity;
  • promote voluntary convergence with EU developments in higher education and fisheries industry and contribute to cooperation among the Consortium Partners on the management of NN species;
  • develop risk management model for NN aquatic species for Western Balkans;
  • produce policy framework for creating new occupation through the suggestion of the new position “Risk Manager”.

To reach these objectives, higher levels of education as well as workers of private sector (i.e. aquaculture or aquarium trade) will be involved for preventing the further introduction and spread of NN aquatic species in the Partner Countries.Education campaigns to sensitize the public on the impact of NN species on biodiversity are therefore planned. The involvement of the stakeholders to create a common language and to provide the necessary structure for every stakeholder to work in the same direction are important components of this project. Strengthening the capacity of the partners is essential for more effective management of the existing problem and to promote new measures of management of aquatic NN species.

The specific objective of the RiskMan Project will address the problem mentioned in Part D1 by the institution of the Target Countries who require a support by:

  • Creating an exchange of knowledge, experience and good practices with CSOs from the region and the EU;
  • Gaining information and knowledge provided by relevant scientific institution from the country and the region;
  • Producing educational toolkits (manuals, materials, presentations etc.) for the education and training of pupils, fisheries related sectors employees and operators of fish farms in the region;
  • Updating the Master Curricula by introducing at least 3 courses concerning the Risk Management of NN Aquatic Species in the Universities of the 3 Partner Countries
  • Assisting in the development of a Strategy and Plan for monitoring of NN species and invasive species in the main watercourses of the target countries;
  • Assisting in the development of a protocol in order to explore adaptation processes of the socio-ecological systems in different contrasting geographical settings, rivers, lakes and coastal areas.
• Association for ecology EKOMENLOG Ohrid (MK)
• Albanian Center for Environmental Protection and Sustainable D (AL)
• iSea, Environmental Organisation for the Preservation of Aquat (GR)
• University College of Business (AL)
EU grant u eurima / EU grant in euros 805, 030.00 €
Vrsta projekta Joint
Organizacije učesnice
Nacionalne institucije visokog obrazovanja Univerzitet Crne Gore
Prioritetne oblasti
Status nacionalne organizacije učesnice Partner
Preuzmite dokument / Download
Previous Digital entrepreneurial nest and industry 4.0 in Montenegro (DigN€st)


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